I no longer have a landline available (even via friends) & rely on Wifi for I/net service, incl software downloads.
I've been a happy Gentoo user since 2003, but want to be able to use Wifi with my 15 yr-old netbook (32-bit), which has always had Gentoo installed & whose hardware incl's Wifi. This presents a Catch-22 : how can I install Wifi software ? -- I need the I/net to download the files, but can't access the I/net without that software installed. Is there any way around it ? -- eg could I download files on my desktop, then transfer them to the netbook & get that system to use them ? Can anyone offer suggestions ? -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatcadotinterdotnet