I've encountered a strange problem logging into my local Wifi.
There are  2  services I can use : (1) the household service,
part of my landlord's home-office system ; (2) my cell-phone's hotspot.
(2) is ok, but trying to use (1) has been offering challenges.

First, there's no problem with my hardware or that of my landlord
nor with 'wpa_supplicant' installed on my Gentoo system AFAIK.
The problem aros when I tried to log into (1)
after a power outage caused my landlord to restart his box,
at which time he renamed the service with a slightly different password ;
he's intelligent + friendly, but not upto fine-tuning it.
I have updated the config file below to match the new strings.

Earlier in the year, it was straightforward.  I have a config file :

  #wpa_supplicant-gr.conf : 241207


    ssid="<name of landlord's service>"
    pairwise=CCMP TKIP
    group=CCMP TKIP

This hasn't changed : it used to log me in when I rebooted.
Now it doesn't : for some reason, it scans, but finds nothing.
The config file for my cell-phone hotspot is the same & also unchanged.

However, I can use 'wpa_gui' with a bit of fussing & editing.
Currently, it shows the correct adapter + service name & below it lists :

  Status : completed (station)
  Last message : <blank>
  Authentication : WPA2-PSK
  Encryption : CCMP + TKIP
  SSID : <service name>
  BSSID : < 12 hex digits >
  IP address : < 11 digits >

I can't see any difference between the  2  lists of config items.
I do have to reset it via an 'edit' menu after rebooting,
esp to restate the password, which is a nuisance,
but it succeeds in getting thro' to the service.

Can anyone suggest what mb wrong with the 1st method ?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatcadotinterdotnet

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