I'm trying to drag through a pass of emerge --emptytree world and I hit a block of 50 failures, the only way to get through these is to skipfirst through each one... I'm a gentoo user so therefore I'm a massochist so I just have to sacrifice a few dozen hours with uparrow -enter every few minutes. But EACH AND EVERY TIME I do this, it does pre-emerge checks for packages that it doesn't even reach to try to emerge... I mean the package is just going to fail anyway along with these other packages so doing a pre-emerge check is just wasting my damn time as it is running about 30 checks none of which have any effect, or any real point at all. I guess with a fundamentally massochistic user base, the maintainers had to be as sadistic as they could possibly be... =\

You can't out-crazy a Democrat.
#EggCrisis  #BlackWinter
White is the new Kulak.
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