On Thursday 31 October 2024 14:21:27 GMT Michael wrote:
> On Thursday 31 October 2024 11:07:13 GMT Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > I've always used static addresses. The exception is the wireless network,
> > on which things come and go. I'm confident in dnsmasq on the wired LAN -
> > it's been running for years.
> Is dnsmasq also used by the wireless network successfully, or is the router
> running its own DHCP/DNS show?

I meant to say: dnsmasq serves the wired network; the router serves DHCP to 
the wireless one, since it's directly upstream of them and dnsmasq isn't.


> > The router is a Fritz!Box, and it's a bit of a beast to understand. (Is
> > there a characteristic German approach to user interface design? I begin
> > to wonder, what with this and my boiler...)
> Fritz!Box is one of the better provisioned domestic routers.

That'll be why Zen Internet uses it then. That's my ISP, as you can tell from 
my address.

> I've only used it once and mostly over wired Ethernet, but was impressed by
> its functions and features compared to other rubbish on the market. I can't
> recall its firewall options menu - I would think there would be no
> restrictions across LAN devices, bar Wireless Client Isolation. Different
> VLANs would either way isolate wireless devices to their own broadcast
> domain. For a quick test you can disable wireless client isolation and see
> if things start working as expected.

I've just tried to find its firewall setup, and failed. Searching for 
in the manual finds nothing. I'll keep looking.


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