On 2024-10-25 00:47:27, Grant Edwards wrote:
> >
> > Try net-dns/doggo[2]
> Cool, and it doens't want to install 4 other new packages like
> bind-tools does.  [OK, two are just account/group packages, so it's
> not quite as bad as it sounds.]

It's a Go package though, so it will quietly install a mountain a
random outdated static libraries from github.

Try it:

  $ emerge --fetchonly --nodeps doggo
  $ tar -tf /var/cache/distfiles/doggo-1.0.5-deps.tar.xz

BIND may actually be the least bad option. The Knot DNS server
provides alternatives like kdig, but you'll still wind up with a
full-fledged DNS server on your hands.

Depending on how serious this is, you could use package.provided and
INSTALL_MASK to block everything you don't want.

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