On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 08:25:12PM -0400, Eli Schwartz wrote

> I think the two of you are talking past each other. What did Arsen mean
> by "the vague concept of IPv6"? I suspect he meant:
> You are trying to solve a concrete user issue with your browsing.


> Your idea of how to solve the user issue is to blame IPv6, then get all
> meta about how to solve it and decide that the vague concept of IPv6
> must be eradicated and purged from the public consciousness

  You're overdoing it and you seem offended.  I was not "thinking deep
thoughts about IPV6" or going off the deep end with QANON conspiracies.
Back then I was unaware of the power of sysctl or using the kernel
command line.  All that I (and a lot of other people) knew was that...

USE="ipv6"  ==> delays and timeouts for people on IPV4-only systems

USE="-ipv6" ==> problems solved for people on IPV4-only systems

  This was simply a pragmatic decision to solve a problem.  Firefox
with USE="ipv6" probably would've worked OK on a machine with a working
IPV6 connection.

> -- rather than disabling the specific issue that is causing problems.

  Looking at the output of "sysctl -a | grep net.ip | less" *ON MY
SYSTEM*, I see a slew of "net.ipv4.*" entries, but no "net.ipv6.*"
entries, so there's no "sysctl knob" to tweak.

There are 2 types of people
1) Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data

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