> On 23/09/2024 23:53, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
> > It's just the pc hoard that thinks a server is some machine handling
(that should be horde, not hoard even though it sounds funny...)
> > databases, mail, files, printers or what
> In other words, X uses the words the other way round than most people - 
> what I said.
> Doesn't mean the majority are right! As far as I'm aware X got there 
> first, but is now swimming against the tide.

It could be a case of one million flies cannot be wrong, shit is good..
but at the same time what people call a server is a machine running 
server programs, but the server itself is the program running.
Without that program it is just a fancy box, I could use the very same
box and use it as a desktop, and there is another false dicotomy, that
there are desktops and servers, but the majority of all computers out
ther are embedded. And many persons called (prior to laptops) the
box a disk.

So should computer words be defined by non-professionals or thoose
who knows ?

One effect of letting non-professionals define words is the case when
the poeple handling the collection of television licences had the 
opinion the a computer is a television set and hence people with a
computer should pay for the right to view television.

So please stop spread misconcetions, or you might say, turn back the tide.

/Karl Hammar

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