I booted the rig up and decided to try something.  Once it was booted, I
logged in from my main rig via ssh.  I then typed in the command to
start DM.  It started and looked OK.  Then I just up arrow and changed
it to restart the DM.  I restarted DM back to back several times, more
than a dozen.  Sometimes it wouldn't work, sometimes it would be low
resolution and sometimes it would come up and look like it should, hi
res and all.  I also tried logging in when it was working and I could
login.  The biggest thing I noticed, it never came up fully.  Most of
the time it came up in hi res but no plasma.  A few times it was a low
res screen and no plasma.  Looked like maybe 720P or less. 

The thing is, it didn't fully come up even once.  It was always lacking
plasma at least.  Some of the time, it was low res.  Several times, the
monitor would go black and cut off completely.  It would go to sleep. 
If the new monitor works, I'm thinking Micheal is right.  The monitor
works with slower systems and the nouveau drivers on boot media.  With
Nvidia on the install, hit or miss, mostly miss.  I think it has only
worked fully twice. 

The last update showed the monitor a couple states away.  FedEx is
pretty speedy.  I think if things move well, it could be here Monday. 
It still shows Tuesday tho.  Given I been dealing with this for a week
or so now, another few days isn't a big deal.  Plus, I'll have a really
nice large monitor for these old eyes.  o_o

I took meds last night.  I didn't wake up in time to pick my basil
again.  I got three planters of it that need picking.  It's hot and
humid outside.  Try again in the morning.  That basil sure is good. 
Even opening the jar smells awesome.  Nothing like the store bought stuff. 

I finally uploaded some pics.  Some are while the rig is running.  You
can see the LEDs on the memory stick lit up.  Some are components. 
Also, there is a couple of the little m.2 stick cooler.  I think that
little thing is so cute.  Kinda looks like the CPU cooler, just
smaller.  m.2 sticks runs at just above 100F even when pretty busy. 
Very effective.  :-D  This is a link to the gallery or whatever. 


Just imagine that in a Fractal Design Define XL case now.  Dang that
case is big.  It's a hair larger than my Cooler Master HAF-932 which is
a awesome case.  Oh, I also finally fixed the power on light on the
front.  I hooked the wires up backwards.  LEDs never work well when
connected up wrong.  LOL 


:-)  :-) 

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