On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 12:03 AM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Update.  I played around a bit.  I figured I didn't have a lot to lose
> here.  It either works, or it doesn't.  After playing around a bit, I
> got it to work.  I have not restarted it to see if it will work again,
> yet.  I wanted to grab some log info first, while it is working.  So,
> this part is about when KDE comes up completely but could include some
> attempts that failed.  Comes up completely means, in the correct
> resolution, background image and the panel thing on the bottom, which
> means plasma is running as it should.  I'm doing these inside the email
> instead of as attachments.  Sorry for the length.  I just want to share
> this while I have it available.
> This first one, I had a few failures before it succeeded.  I couldn't
> figure out when the working bit started so it is the complete log.

Hi Dale,
   I have returned home and can once again bottom post.

   There's no way I'm going to read and understand this
whole thread but I did have one question and one comment:

1) Did you ever actually try the Kubunu option that didn't
require an install? I saw you mentions Knoppix and maybe
one other option. Just curious as to what the results were.

2) I see you discussing xorg.conf file which I don't use
here but did you generate this file - if you are really using
it - using the nvidia-settings app, or by hand?

   If your system will stay up I believe nvidia-settings is
recommended by NVidia, or was anyway. It does a good
job of showing the layout and handling options that NVidia
says make their cards work better.

Good luck,

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