Arve Barsnes wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 at 07:05, Dale <> wrote:
>> I was caught up in the upgrade problem too.  Each time I would run
>> emerge, I would get more packages that can't use 3.12 yet.  This is the
>> list if packages I had to add to package.use.
>> ######################################################
>> # Try to remove soon.  Also sci-electronics/kicad further down.
>> app-admin/checkrestart python_single_target_python3_11
>> app-portage/elogviewer python_single_target_python3_11
>> ........
>> ######################################################
> I prefer to add the flags to a specific package version only. That way
> you might have to update the list on updates if packages don't yet
> support the upgrade, but as soon as it does, it will remove itself
> from your py3.11 list 'automatically' and you can just clean it at
> your leisure down the line.
> Regards,
> Arve

That is one way to do it.  Thing is, if there are several updates before
they can use 3.12, then you get to edit those each time.  As it is, I'll
leave it there for a couple weeks.  If emerge complains in the meantime,
I can remove a line or two.  After a couple weeks, or maybe three, I can
remove that and see if emerge can update without it. 

Your way is as good as mine.  It's just a personal preference.  Next
time I need to edit a USE flag, I'll see the note and if I think it is
ready, try it without the list. 

You post does give others a different and more automatic way to do it
tho.  Which reminds me, it's about time to run eix-test-obsolete and get
rid of some cruft.  ;-) 


:-)  :-) 

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