On Monday, 25 March 2024 07:04:57 GMT Dale wrote:
> Paul Colquhoun wrote:
> > I had the gcc compile fail, but was successful after removing the "objc"
> > use flag.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, it seemd to be required by app-arch/unar during step 16,
> > rebuild world.
> > 
> > I'm re-enbleing it and will see how it all goes.
> Here is my update.  I wanted to skip the system update and change
> profiles first.  Then do the emerge -e world which would also update
> anything that was new as well.  I'd only have to compile once tho. 
> Well, that may have caused a problem.  It may work for some but it
> didn't here.  I first had to do my usual emerge -auDN world and get a
> clean run.  I had one build to fail, had to work on that.  Anyway, where
> it says update first, it is best to do that.  It might work if you
> don't, might not.
I'm trying to do the same on an old, slow PC which had not been touched for a 
few months now.  Most packages would need updating anyway and didn't fancy 
spending a week to get it up to date before changing the profile, only to 
rebuild everything once more.  We'll see how it goes ...

> Overall, the devs did a really good job with the instructions.  Just
> have to update first as it says.  It works better.  ;-)

A big thank you to the devs for their effort to make our life easier!

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