Paul Colquhoun wrote:
> I had the gcc compile fail, but was successful after removing the "objc" use 
> flag.
> Unfortunately, it seemd to be required by app-arch/unar during step 16, 
> rebuild world.
> I'm re-enbleing it and will see how it all goes.

Here is my update.  I wanted to skip the system update and change
profiles first.  Then do the emerge -e world which would also update
anything that was new as well.  I'd only have to compile once tho. 
Well, that may have caused a problem.  It may work for some but it
didn't here.  I first had to do my usual emerge -auDN world and get a
clean run.  I had one build to fail, had to work on that.  Anyway, where
it says update first, it is best to do that.  It might work if you
don't, might not.  I'm now up to the part where I recompile everything. 
Oh the joy.  At least it is a cool night so the extra heat will keep me
warm.  ROFL 

Oh, where it says to emerge gcc and no dependencies, may as well go
ahead and add the --nodeps bit.  It has to run that way anyway so it
doesn't hurt anything but it does save time since emerge doesn't need to
look to see if anything else needs to be updated or you have to go back
and add the option to insure it doesn't.  On my rig, which isn't the
fastest or slowest, it saves a couple minutes.  YMMV. 

Overall, the devs did a really good job with the instructions.  Just
have to update first as it says.  It works better.  ;-)  I just wonder
who went through the torture of figuring out what went in what order.  O_O 


:-)  :-) 

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