On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 03:01:44PM -0500, Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> I looked in x11-terms and there is a few options, I think.  I tried
> looking at home pages and such but none of them mention a feature like
> this but it may have it.  I was wondering if anyone knows of a terminal
> emulator that allows the mouse to place the cursor to edit parts or
> whole sections of a command.  Some of my commands are really long and it
> seems the part I want to edit is always at the beginning.  :/

x11-terms/kitty can do this since it added some shell integration
features (requires bash, zsh, or fish and a rc file to be loaded which
is done by default), aka you can click anywhere in the command and
it'll place the cursor there.

The shell integration bits can also do things like open the output of
the last command in a pager even if haven't done e.g. "... | less" or
instantly copy it for pasting without awkwardly scrolling to select

Has quite a vast amount of features and configuration options, albeit
it may come as a bit quirky and with a learning curve if coming from
konsole (e.g. it does not even have a context menu and can only be
configured by editing the .conf file directly), and is mostly intended
for use with various keyboard binds than with pretty menus.

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