On 2024.03.22 16:01, Dale wrote:

I've been using Konsole, part of KDE, for command line stuff ever since I started using Linux.  Linux is all I've ever used.  No windoze.  ;-)  While Konsole is good enough for almost everything, there is one feature
I wish it had.  The ability to edit with the mouse.  I don't know of a
way to make it do this.  The only way I know of to edit a command, left
arrow to what you want to edit and change it.  I'd like to find one
where I can use the mouse to place the cursor and edit from there.  Even
maybe highlight and replace.  As far as I know, Konsole doesn't have
that ability. 

I looked in x11-terms and there is a few options, I think.  I tried
looking at home pages and such but none of them mention a feature like
this but it may have it.  I was wondering if anyone knows of a terminal
emulator that allows the mouse to place the cursor to edit parts or
whole sections of a command.  Some of my commands are really long and it
seems the part I want to edit is always at the beginning.  :/

Hoping for some ideas. 
I don't remember how I initially set it up, but I can use emacs commands (not sure if it was related to konsole or bash) so I can use up and down arrows or Ctl-p/Ctl-n to move back and forth in previous commands, then Ctl-a to go to the beginning of the line, etc. I suspect you can get vim style keys to do the same, if that's your preference.

Sorry, but I have no idea how to tell if any terminal emulator is truly a gui, where clicking on a character in the middle of the window actually sets the cursor at that point, to be recognized by both the terminal and the shell you are running.

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