On 2/18/24 01:50, n952162 wrote:
On 2/17/24 23:10, Michael Cook wrote:
On 2/17/24 14:03, n952162 wrote:
On 2/17/24 20:00, n952162 wrote:
On 2/17/24 19:56, n952162 wrote:
On 2/17/24 19:22, n952162 wrote:
On 2/17/24 16:38, Arsen Arsenović wrote:
n952162 <n952...@web.de> writes:

When I try to emerge it, it fails, but
https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/net-misc/inetutils seems normal.
Am I misreading it?
There does seem to be an open bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/924493

If this one does not match your issue, please file a bug:

Thanks in advance, have a lovely day.

Would that make the package not emerge?   I can't imagine a more mature
package ...

The package must have worked once.  Is it possible and practical to get an earlier, working version out of git?

I'm currently using the ftp in /net-ftp/ftp- and it's broken - it doesn't send the last block.

Other FTPs listed in https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/FTP have different command syntax, which breaks my expect(1) script.

The inetutils on nixos runs fine.  I wonder why gentoo can't get it working ...

I assume you're trying to build inetutils with the ftp use flag set? net-ftp/ftp blocks inetutils in that case, you need to remove net-ftp/ftp first.

Can you give some more information about that?  E.g. how one package can block another one?

I removed net-ftp/ftp (good riddance):

    $ equery l net-ftp/ftp
    !!! No installed packages matching 'net-ftp/ftp'
     * Searching for ftp in net-ftp ...

But I'm still getting the same problem:

    emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "net-misc/inetutils".

    emerge: searching for similar names...
    emerge: Maybe you meant any of these: net-misc/iputils,
    net-misc/tipcutils, net-misc/bridge-utils?

It looks like you're portage tree is out of date ... rather very out of date. The package was first added in September of 2023. So you'll have to sync up and probably have lots of other updates to handle as well.

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