On 2/17/24 23:31, Jack wrote:
On 2024.02.17 16:14, n952162 wrote:
On 2/17/24 21:45, Arsen  wrote:

n952162 <n952...@web.de> writes:

The inetutils on nixos runs fine.  I wonder why gentoo can't get it
working ...
Again, please post the relevant information about the build failure.  I
cannot reproudce it.

Packages don't necessarily stop working because of changes in the code.
It is possible that code accidentally worked and stopped working for
of a myriad of reasons.

Posting the output of emerge and/or the build log, as per the
instruction I linked, will help us narrow down the issue and fix it.

Thanks in advance, have a lovely evening.

I've already deleted the earlier messages in the thread, so I may be
missing something, but this doesn't look like a conflict or USE flag

Sorry, I don't want to file a bug report if it's just an operator error:

+ emerge --getbinpkg n -v --tree --deep --update --noreplace
--changed-use --verbose-conflicts --keep-going --with-bdeps=y
--backtrack=100 net-misc/inetutils

 * IMPORTANT: 11 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
 * Use eselect news read to view new items.

 * Last emerge --sync was 1y 286d 18h 36m 20s ago.

When is the last time you did an "emerge --sync" ?  Has it really been
almost two years?  When it the last time you did any sort of emerge
@world?  If it is recently, then how has your portage tree been
updated?  If not recently, it is not surprising if you have problems
updating or installing a single package

 * IMPORTANT: 5 config files in '/etc/portage' need updating.

These may or may not be important. but without knowing which files
need updating, and why, there it no guarantee this is not at least
part of your problem.

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies   * See the CONFIGURATION FILES and
 * sections of the emerge man page to learn how to update config files.
...... done!

emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "net-misc/inetutils".

Is there anything in /usr/portage/net-misc/inetutils?  (Adjust to
wherever your portage tree actually is.

emerge: searching for similar names...
emerge: Maybe you meant any of these: net-misc/iputils,
net-misc/tipcutils, net-misc/bridge-utils?

When is the last time you did emerge anything successfully?

I don't have a /usr/portage.  Is that a new directory that I should
have?  I also don't have a /etc/portage/inetutils.

I last successfully emerged tnftp yesterday.

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