Just read the three lines quoted above and you'll find what I mean.
Yes, I have read it. Two question and one request.
Polite and
They don't look that much.
Arrogance is not about insulting. It is something much more subtle, but
not less evident.
Does that make me arrogant? Well, I knew my english is
far from being perfect, bud did not know it is actually THAT bad...
Your english is OK, AFAIK (I'm not a native english speaker too, so I
can't be 100% sure). It's the *tone* you use that's not good.
BTW, I think it could not be reason for you calling me arrogant,
because I posted it AFTER your statement...
Oh, this was just such a shiny bright and unwillingly ironic example
that I couldn't resist.
See, the simple fact you're biting this little flamebait so much means
you're an arrogant at my eyes. If you were not so permalous, you would
have told/added something like "anyway please sorry if I looked
arrogant, I didn't meant to". Then we could have agreed.
Fact is, you're asking questions here and people is going to help you,
and you act like you're always right and other people are idiots.
For example (you wanted examples, so I give you):
">which version of portage you are running!
Do you really think it is important? Because since I'm using Gentoo,
I do not take care about versions, portage does it instead of me."
Here you seem to imply that the original poster, by caring about Portage
versions, is a hopeless dumb, while you're a loooot smarter. Note: you
*SEEM* to imply. You can scream here and there you weren't meaning it.
But that's what I read through your words.
"Satisfied? Carry on, if it makes you feel better...
Anyway, I'll not fight back to this primitive insultation. It is
under my level, and imho under level of this mailing list too..."
Taking a simple joke this seriously doesn't make you look superior. In
fact you look much more childish than the original poster. If you were
really a superior intelligence, you would have at least asked yourself
*why* so much people were laughing at your post.
"Could some of you, gentoo-wizards, be kind enough and explain, what
is wrong in doing the things the way gentoo handbook recommends it?
Without offensive language, if I may ask..."
Same as above. You don't ask yourself what can be wrong in your
assumptions. You copy-and-paste the manual (implicitly stating we're all
morons that have never read it) and you seem to dare us to explain how
can we dare laugh at this autority. Moreover, you imply you're
*absolutely certain* to do what the Gentoo handbook is recommending,
when you have been answered you overlooked a VERY basic detail, and
that's all the fuss was about.
Summing up, you don't give us the fuzzy warm feeling of a user that
sincerely and gently wants help. You seem to feel always the need to
defend yourself and you seem to lack any sense of humour about yourself.
That's all.
Strange, when someone who signs his emails with just one character
wants to give me lessons about being arrogant...
And that's two characters, BTW (a letter and a dot :P )
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list