b.n. wrote:

>> phrases like "...it bloody matters!..." or "how the hell would we
>> know...!" or "Jarry needs variable BRAVE_YET_DUMB=1". Although
>> such words do not sound good to me, I would never dare to say their
>> authors are arrogant...
> These people are treating you with confidence. They're kidding with you
> because they assume you're understanding we're just kidding and we're
> all respectful of each other, at a deeper level. They assume you have a
> life and you don't have to feel hurt by every little single humour is
> done at you.

Believe me, or not, but I really did not know this was kidding (and it
is the most surprising info I got today). Respect to you all, but in my
country and culture we do not call something like that "kidding"...

Thanks for all replies, subject closed!


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