Wol wrote:
> On 15/07/2022 00:01, Dale wrote:
>> Guillermo García wrote:
>>> Hello again guys, how are you? I hope you're fine.
>>> I remember someone told me a program to use to remove old kernels in
>>> order to get more space on /boot, i tried to search the original
>>> message that the guy sent me trough this list, but i cannot find it.
>>> Here's a screenshot of my /boot folder:
>>> I guess the kernel version i use is this one:
>>> Could someone tell me a method to remove the old kernels in order to
>>> get more space in /boot?
>>> Thank you, and regards,
>>> Guillermo.
>> I found it for you.  The package is app-admin/eclean-kernel.  I think
>> there is a wiki page on the Gentoo website for that.  I recall it
>> being pretty easy to use.
> Bear in mind, if the OP is running 5.15.10, that's the second oldest
> kernel in the list. If he's got five newer kernels there, is
> eclean-kernel going to assume the live kernel is out-of-date and
> delete it? NOT a good idea.
> The OP needs to make sure that both 5.15.41 and 5.15.48 are in his
> boot menu, AND that they both work, before risking clearing out the
> rest ...
> Cheers,
> Wol
> .

I've never used the tool.  I clean mine manually.  That way I know what
is going on.  Right now, I can't get a new kernel to boot cleanly.  I'm
stuck with a older one but it works.  I've tried two different version
but still fails with something.  Maybe next time. 


:-)  :-) 

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