William Kenworthy wrote: > > and don't forget to run "uname -a" to get your currently running > kernel version and make sure you don't delete that! > > "IF" "uname -a" isn't the latest version you have in /boot, some more > investigation as to why will be needed. > > BillK > >
Just to add another method. I have uprecords installed here. It lists the kernels and their uptime. I keep the last two with reasonably high uptimes with fairly recent version and the most recent kernel. I don't upgrade automatically so I control what and when I update. Of course, I also have long uptimes as well. My thinking on this. I want kernels that are known to be stable that I can use as a backup boot option but I also want newer kernels that have fixes etc in them. By keeping a couple with long uptimes, I get stable kernels. By also picking a recent kernel version, I get a kernel that I can boot into to see if it is stable. Over time, the versions get higher on both parts. When I do my checks, I look for kernels with at least 30 days or more of uptime. Generally, if a kernel can run that length of time, it is pretty stable. That said, I have some with many months of uptime. When I upgrade to a new kernel, I run for a month or so and then manually clean out /boot, that would include kernel, init thingy, System.map and config files. Seeing this reminds me it might be a good time to look into updating, even tho I might not reboot for a while yet. Just a thought. Dale :-) :-)