On 2021-04-25, Grant Taylor <gtay...@gentoo.tnetconsulting.net> wrote:

>> It is usually simple to setup and use a serial null-modem cable and 
>> run kermit or somthing on the MS-Win side and add a getty (I've used 
>> mgetty) handling the serial port on the linux side.
> Is it wrong that the first thing that came to mind when reading the OP's 
> post is UUCP with as high speed serial as possible?

Nope. Many years ago I used UUCP a number of times for "production"
projects involving data gathering from remote systems via
dial-up. 25+ years ago, I wrote an article about one of those projects
for Linux Journal. 

UUCP would work a treat for the problem I initially posed.  Back in
the day, I always used Taylor-UUCP, and I'm pretty sure I could get it
working again on Linux, but I have little confidence I could get it
working on Win10. I'd probably have better luck with Kermit.

> I wonder if the USB LapLink (type) cable or USB On The Go gadget cables 
> could present as a multi-megabit serial interface.

It turns out the initial requirements that I was given were wrong, and
the Windows machine does have some limited Internet access via a VPN
and proxy, and I can get files to/from the Windows machine that way.

So my initial question is moot.


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