> On 4/23/21 7:45 PM, wrote:
> > Grant:
> I think you are conflating me for the OP.  Easy to do with the same 
> first name.  ;-)

Well, your sig is at a cursory look wery alike, but now I see you
have some extra dots and an || expression.

> Is it wrong that the first thing that came to mind when reading the OP's 
> post is UUCP with as high speed serial as possible?

I doubt that many are fluen in cu and uucp, are they even available on
the ms-win side. Who knows, this might work

> I wonder if the USB LapLink (type) cable or USB On The Go gadget cables 
> could present as a multi-megabit serial interface.

You can always build yourself two pairs of RS232 to RS422 converters 
and see where the limit on your serial ports are. You can even try with
other deserializes/serializers. What speed do you want ?

/Karl Hammar

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