On 2020-12-03 19:40-0600 Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Howdy,
> I've mentioned I follow -dev to see what is coming around the corner. 
> There is a thread on there about switching tmpfiles packages for
> security reasons.  I currently have sys-apps/opentmpfiles installed.
> I guess that is the default for openrc.  Someone mentioned
> systemd-tmpfiles as a alternative that doesn't have the same security
> problems.  My question is, is this big enough a problem to switch or
> is it safe enough for us to use the same we have been?  It sounds
> like a rather rare problem.  Maybe even only during boot up.  I'm not
> 100% sure what it does or anything really.  I guess that's why I
> con't make sense of switching or not since I'm not sure what the
> package does or how serious the security problem is.

From what I could gather, opentmpfiles is only vulnerable when an
attacker is able to put a config file into /etc/tmpfiles.d/, so they
have to be already root.
Nevertheless I switched to systemd-tmpfiles and it just works and
doesn't pull any other systemd-stuff in.

I don't think it really matters which one you use.

Kind regards, tastytea

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