Kusoneko wrote:
> On December 4, 2020 1:40:57 AM UTC, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Highly doubt OS matters at all for ISPs. Internet service is standardized you 
> could say, at least at the end points where a device connects to a home 
> network or to the ISP, so there's no reason why a Linux-based OS wouldn't be 
> able to connect.
>> Any thoughts on tmpfiles?  What are other doing?  Switching?  Nothing? 
> Waiting for more info + whether a fix will come and if not what the 
> alternatives are, and if the only alternative is systemd then I'll wait still 
> for something that isn't systemd.
> Kusoneko.

That's my thinking too.  I think most all of them are OS neutral.  They
just have a web page to manage them and that's it.  I'm getting giddy
about that sort of speed coming here tho.  Not long ago, you had to be
in town close to a provider and pay a arm and leg to get that sort of
speed.  Now, a little guy can have it.  One that lives out in the sticks
at that.  I'm going to see if I can get more info about the box I
connect too.  That'll give me something to google for and find info about. 

I did think of one thing tho.  I got to find a network card that is
faster.  The one I have now tops out at 100MBs.  It's a old school
type.  I'll have to get a fancy 1GB version I guess.  Hmmmm, I think my
router is 1GB ready.  I may have to recheck that. 

Michael is posting more info on this.  Even tho the alternative has
systemd in the name, I don't think it is coded by the systemd devs.  It
just happens to work with and be tailored around systemd. 


:-)  :-) 

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