On 26 June 2020 22:03:35 CEST, james <gar...@verizon.net> wrote:
>On 6/26/20 12:38 PM, Daniel Frey wrote:
>> On 6/20/20 7:04 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
>>> Thanks for filing the bug. 
>> Gah! I forgot about this!
>> I filed a bug now, I hope I made it clear enough. Others can pipe in 
>> there with comments if they like.
>> I did indicate the two potential proposals to correct the issue in
>> bug itself.
>> https://bugs.gentoo.org/729752
>> Dan
>BEFORE I contribute to this bug, I'm posting here to see if others are 
>or have interest, in my thoughts on this issue and my related needs for
>extreme security, via Gentoo. Below is far from complete, but it only 
>provides a very snippets of my (secure) pathway forward with Gentoo.
>Interesting thread, thanks to all contributors. I'd like to add 'my 
>selfish' interest, as they also be espoused by other, more focused, 
>gentoo users.
>I rarely build gentoo systems, for many reasons, that are not pretty 
>singularly focused. It drastically reduces security, performance and 
>upgrade issues. For me, the days of a any system, having groups or 
>users, are in the history books of very bad ideas. uP are so cheap and 
>less than $100, gets you a very 'bad ass' computer (Rasp. Pi 4+) 16 G 
>map-able ram. Furthermore, SOON, usb_4 devices are going to obsolete
>entire concept of a 'hard drive'; hence the death (my prediction) of 
>groups and users on multi-USER systems, albeit slowly.
>Multi-function, Multi-tasking, and light weight, focused transient 
>clusters are the future. YMMV.
>So solving a problem, that was real and big, decades ago, fails to look
>at the future. For me, Gentoo is future proof. I suggest a well 
>documented pathway forward; totally without the concept of groups and 
>users, on a typical, highly secure system. Which is now the baseline
>real systems, particularly with a ipv4 or ipv6 static ip, that provide 
>focused and highly restricted functionalities. CA servers are going 
>private, as the public and root CA servers, are suspect, at best, as to
>being pristinely secure. Yes boys and girls most Certificate
>are HACK! Even the main root CAs.
>The F. Feds are the original culprits, but now it is a feeding frenzy. 
>The planet is now hacked, and groups and users concepts are the past. 
>imho! Danger Will Robinson Danger!
>So can some of the smarter (gentoo) folks illuminate how to totally 
>avoid groups and users, except for the minimum required, application 
>specific? For example like serial line tools, or outline a set of 
>tweaks/setting to avoid these altogether?
>I build embedded G. systems. I build single purpose G systems. I build 
>security G. systems (often with the ethernet, in only listen mode. I 
>build G. Firewalls.
>I build G. highly restricted/filtered servers. NONE of those need users
>or groups. And if they do, I can obfuscate codes to provide that need, 
>to where filters and focused software gets what it needs to provide 
>Yep, I'm moving to a total 'State_Machine_design' for critical
>Strip out every thing else.....
>Am I alone, or have/are others contemplating such high secure pathways?
>I'd be fantastic to find a kernel hacker that is on the pathway of 
>extreme minimization too; private email is fine; if that is in your 
>curiously alone?,


Doesn't this imply that all the software and people interacting with the 
systems all have root-level access?

One of the reasons MS systems were so vulnerable in the past was because they 
did not support seperated users. It's also still a problem with a lot of legacy 

As long as more than 1 person can access the system, seperate users and 
groups/ACLs are necessary.

Can you explain how having no users makes a system more secure?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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