On 6/20/20 7:04 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
On 21/6/20 9:40 am, Daniel Frey wrote:
On 6/20/20 6:21 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 7:06 PM Daniel Frey <djqf...@gmail.com> wrote:
Maybe when I have a moment I'll file a bug.
Thanks for filing the bug. One of my pet peeves is that the last few
years gentoo has been going down the path of spitting everything into
smaller and smaller pieces and scattering them around - its fine when
things work, but becomes a real pig to fault find and more often ends up
in a call for help. I would really like packages to be self contained
so its configuration and files are all in one place. I cant see any
advantage to having multiple ebuilds for a package instead of using a
support framework to deal with it other than exposing multiple
opportunities for things to go wrong and make it harder to fix. This not
an elegant design!
They were trying to solve the problem of having multiple packages
dependent on a single user/group - mariadb/mysql comes to mind.
By having these types of packages depend on something in the tree they
can prevent the condition of having to remove the user/group when
another package may still depend on it. It's kind of the opposite to the
virtual/* packages I think, or maybe that's the beer talking.