On 10/27/05, Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, but I am ok on configuring the kernels and then installing
> them in /boot.
> The thing which isn't clear to me is how I should get the 'linux-new_version'
> directory installed on my system without downloading a whole new install
> image and copying it across manually?
> Is there a kernel release tarball downloadable somewhere? Or is there
> some way to ask emerge to do this?

emerge --update you_kernel_source_tree will grab the new version and
unpack it in /usr/src.

For example, I use gentoo-sources, so emerge --update gentoo-sources
will grab whatever the new version is, apply all the necessary
patches, and unpack it in /usr/src.


-- Joe

There are 3 kinds of people in the world:
Those who can count, and those who can't.

Money can't buy everything.
Sometimes money can't even buy a gun...

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