* On 01.11.2005 Neil Bothwick wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 13:15:16 +0100, Tim Kruse wrote:
>> % grep sys-kernel /var/log/emerge.log
>>  should do the trick then
> qpkg -I -g sys-kernel

 This is true. But you should mention, that 'qpkg' is deprecated
and 'equery' should be used:

,-----[qpkg --help]
| [...]
| NOTICE: This tool will be phased out at some point in the
|         future, please use equery instead.
|         Bugs are still fixed but new features won't be added.
| [...]

 There are still missing features of qpgk in equery, though.

 The point is, that 'qpkg' won't be/isn't in your $PATH anymore.
In the latest stable release of gentoolkit (which is 0.2.0-r2 on
my system) it is installed in '/usr/lib/gentoolkit/bin/' and from
0.2.1 on (these are testing atm) it will be found in

 Further, if you have 'portage-utils' installed, you have a
executable called 'qpkg' which does something completely
different. But then you can take 'qlist' for exactly the above:

% qlist -I | grep sys-kernel

 Or you can emerge eix and take eix for it. Or ...

 So long,

Next Friday will not be your lucky day.  As a matter of fact, you don't
have a lucky day this year.

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