On 4/22/20 11:22 AM, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote: > On Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:01 PM, Consus <con...@ftml.net> wrote: > >> Yeah, mgorny likes to do some provocative stuff like forking Portage. > > patching P*****E is heretic, and forking it is > outright blasphemous. >
For everyone complaining about how long emerge @world takes, and about the incomprehensible error messages -- this fork was a step towards fixing that. Portage does some slow, unpredictable, undocumented magic when resolving dependencies that it never should have done in the first place. Developers using portage then make commits that appear to work with portage, but won't work in any other PMS-compliant package manager, and often don't work in portage itself when given slightly different command-line options. Portage was forked because the current maintainers insist on leaving it broken to "avoid the phone calls." There are still problems, but this way people don't realize they're portage's fault.