I would also offer up some computing power for that, on VMs, or physical
hardware with different configurations. I'd like to be more involved
with the Gentoo Development community, but time is rarely ever on my side.

Best wishes, gentoo's not dead,


Gregory 'Rudi' Rudolph
(518) 888-6156

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On 4/21/20 4:51 PM, Michael Jones wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 3:27 PM Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org
> <mailto:ri...@gentoo.org>> wrote: 
>     There are some QA/CI tools out there that have substantially improved
>     the quality of the distro, and most of them have started out as one
>     dev just creating a tinderbox or whatever and filing bugs when they
>     see problems.  The only real downside to this is if somebody quits we
>     might lose these tools - but there are efforts to host them on infra
>     once we start to treat them as part of the core experience.  When they
>     start out they're just one dev's random contributions and they may or
>     may not persist.
> Speaking of tinderboxes:
> Is there any kind of QA tool that normal end users can contribute CPU
> cycles to? Given the massive combinatorial explosion of package
> configurations that can be installed using Gentoo, one might imagine
> that there's some value in simply installing programs with different
> USE combinations and running the self-tests for those programs.
> What I don't want to do is anything manual. Be it filing bugs, or
> testing things.
> But I'd be happy to run some arbitrary QA tool in a virtual machine or
> chroot nearly indefinitely.

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