Top posting because the previous parts of the thread are not really relevant, except perhaps for context of how I got here. Short version is I initially had trouble launching plasma under wayland, but eventually figured out (got a clue) how to do so without invoking startx. At the time, I only did so to test a few specific issues with one program. Recently, I decided to give wayland another try. In general, it seems pretty good (i.e., for me few noticeable differences from X) but I do have a few issues I'd love to resolve.

First, I have two monitors, and wayland persists in starting with them "backwards." I use systemsettings5 display configuration and drag them to the right position, but I have to do so every time I start a new session. (At some point, I'll just switch the cables to the two monitors, but I would think this setting would hold across sessions. Am I missing something, or is there a bug somewhere that it uses the default every session?

Next, I've had a few cases where I come back to my computer in the morning, and find it sitting at the command line. I haven't noticed anything in any log files that looks suspicious to me. I'm open to any suggestions on how to track down the cause if it happens again - but it's been over a week.

My current issue is that VirtualBox is segfaulting on startup, and I want to try it in X to see if that's the issue. (In searching for that problem, I found a virtualbox bug that seemed to imply VB will eventually work with wayland, but not yet.) The problem I'm having is that if I start Xorg, it does start, but with no background and no taskbar. Gkrellm is running, presumably started as it was running when I exited the last session, xwin_wayland is running, as is plasma (didn't write down exactlly which binary). I can run konsole with "konsole --display :0.0" from a different virtual terminal, and can launch programs from there (once I "export DISPLAY=:0.0) and at one point even got a taskbar to start (plasmashell, perhaps?). However, it's clear stuff is still missing, as invoking "leave" either from the start menu or right clicking on the desktop has no effect, and the best way I've found to stop the session is to issue "killall xinit" from the other virtual terminal.

I start wayland with an alias for ". /home/jack/.winitrc 1>xwlog 2>xwerr" and .winitrc sets some ENV vars, and ends with "dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-wayland". I start X with "startx 1>xxlog 2>xxerr" and the last line of .xinitrc is "exec dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session startplasma-x11".

Thanks for any pointers of where I need to dig deeper or what config file I've likely got messed up.


On 2020.01.09 12:57, Jack wrote:
Thanks. I think my underlying problem was that all the commands to launch wayland (variants on "dbus-launch startplasma-wayland") were all very close to the last line of .xinitrc when launching X, so I just made changes there, but stupidly didn't recognize that I needed to issue that line directly, not indirectly through startx. Thanks for the necessary clue. I obviously still have tuning to do, but I do have a functioning desktop. (I also don't use any DM, and am happy I was able to get this working without needing to add that layer.)

On 2020.01.09 12:40, Franz Fellner wrote:
Look here for some hints:
Not everything should apply as you are using Gentoo, but I think there might be a solution for you (pam configuration might be a first step). Unfortunately I can't help with elogind as I'm using systemd and there I
have no issues with starting a wayland desktop.

Wayland won't work ON TOP OF X11. You can start X applications within
Wayland using XWayland (will be done automatically).
But trying to start wayland through startx will fail.

Am Do., 9. Jan. 2020 um 19:31 Uhr schrieb Mick <>:

> On Thursday, 9 January 2020 17:19:18 GMT Jack wrote:
> > On 2020.01.09 11:38, Franz Fellner wrote:
> > > Am Do., 9. Jan. 2020 um 18:35 Uhr schrieb Jack <
> > >
> > >>:
> > > > Based on various wiki and forum posts,
> > > > I'm using "dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland" as the last line
> > >
> > > in
> > >
> > > > .xinitrc, and launching with startx.
> > >
> > > I stopped reading here.
> > > Please think about that again, especially what wayland was meant to
> > > REPLACE!
> >
> > So if you think that's wrong/outdated/inappropriate - please suggest an
> > alternative.
> >
> > I know the ultimate goal is for Wayland to replace xorg-server, but > > everything I have read so far indicates that currently it is really
> > just the compositor, and in the case of KDE, that compositing is
> > incorporated into kwin (launched as kwin_wayland instead of kwin_x11.) > > I have seen no instructions anywhere on how to launch wayland totally > > independent of xorg. As I said - I'll be happy to be pointed to any > > docs I seem to have missed. I do agree that most of the instructions > > out there seem to be somewhat outdated, but I would expect to find
> > SOMETHING up to date.
> Perhaps as far back as 6 months ago I was able to run Plasma and
> Enlightenment
> desktops in Wayland, starting them from sddm DM. A couple of months ago > Wayland broke for me. It tries to start, then drops me back into the
> login
> screen. I haven't bothered to troubleshoot it, because the mechanism of > providing me with a GUIfied desktop is less of an interest to me than
> being
> able to get a desktop in the first place.
> --
> Regards,
> Mick

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