Thanks. I think my underlying problem was that all the commands to launch wayland (variants on "dbus-launch startplasma-wayland") were all very close to the last line of .xinitrc when launching X, so I just made changes there, but stupidly didn't recognize that I needed to issue that line directly, not indirectly through startx. Thanks for the necessary clue. I obviously still have tuning to do, but I do have a functioning desktop. (I also don't use any DM, and am happy I was able to get this working without needing to add that layer.)

On 2020.01.09 12:40, Franz Fellner wrote:
Look here for some hints:
Not everything should apply as you are using Gentoo, but I think there
might be a solution for you (pam configuration might be a first step).
Unfortunately I can't help with elogind as I'm using systemd and there I
have no issues with starting a wayland desktop.

Wayland won't work ON TOP OF X11. You can start X applications within
Wayland using XWayland (will be done automatically).
But trying to start wayland through startx will fail.

Am Do., 9. Jan. 2020 um 19:31 Uhr schrieb Mick <>:

> On Thursday, 9 January 2020 17:19:18 GMT Jack wrote:
> > On 2020.01.09 11:38, Franz Fellner wrote:
> > > Am Do., 9. Jan. 2020 um 18:35 Uhr schrieb Jack <
> > >
> > >>:
> > > > Based on various wiki and forum posts,
> > > > I'm using "dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland" as the last line
> > >
> > > in
> > >
> > > > .xinitrc, and launching with startx.
> > >
> > > I stopped reading here.
> > > Please think about that again, especially what wayland was meant to
> > > REPLACE!
> >
> > So if you think that's wrong/outdated/inappropriate - please suggest an
> > alternative.
> >
> > I know the ultimate goal is for Wayland to replace xorg-server, but > > everything I have read so far indicates that currently it is really
> > just the compositor, and in the case of KDE, that compositing is
> > incorporated into kwin (launched as kwin_wayland instead of kwin_x11.) > > I have seen no instructions anywhere on how to launch wayland totally > > independent of xorg. As I said - I'll be happy to be pointed to any > > docs I seem to have missed. I do agree that most of the instructions
> > out there seem to be somewhat outdated, but I would expect to find
> > SOMETHING up to date.
> Perhaps as far back as 6 months ago I was able to run Plasma and
> Enlightenment
> desktops in Wayland, starting them from sddm DM. A couple of months ago > Wayland broke for me. It tries to start, then drops me back into the
> login
> screen. I haven't bothered to troubleshoot it, because the mechanism of > providing me with a GUIfied desktop is less of an interest to me than
> being
> able to get a desktop in the first place.
> --
> Regards,
> Mick

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