On Friday, March 27, 2020 3:18:47 PM CET n952162 wrote: > I want my wireless to continue when I close my laptop lid. Does anyone > have a clue what I have to set to make that happen? > > I've followed it this far: > > /etc/acpi/events/lm_lid.sh > /etc/acpi/actions/lm_lid.sh > /lib/udev/lmt-udev (laptop mode tools?) > /usr/sbin/laptop_mode > /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d > > > /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf has this (I don't find any relevant > CONTROL_*): > > /# "Laptop mode" is the mode in which laptop mode tools makes the > computer// > //# consume less power. This includes the kernel "laptop_mode" > feature, which// > //# allows your hard drives to spin down, as well as various other > settings which// > //# can be tweaked by laptop mode tools. You can enable or disable > all of these// > //# settings using the CONTROL_... options further down in this > config file.// > > //######################################################################### > ######// // > //...// > // > //#// > //# Enable laptop mode when the laptop's lid is closed, even when > we're on AC// > //# power? (ACPI-ONLY)// > //#// > //ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_WHEN_LID_CLOSED=0// > / > > > Would it be okay to just *remove* /etc/acpi/*/lm_lid.sh?
checking the git-repository for laptop-mode-tools, I see the following file with a change to "disable networking by default": https://github.com/rickysarraf/laptop-mode-tools/blob/lmt-upstream/etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/ethernet.conf IOW, I would suggest checking the file: /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/ethernet.conf -- Joost