I want my wireless to continue when I close my laptop lid.   Does anyone
have a clue what I have to set to make that happen?

I've followed it this far:

        /lib/udev/lmt-udev      (laptop mode tools?)

/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf has this (I don't find any relevant

   /# "Laptop mode" is the mode in which laptop mode tools makes the
   //# consume less power. This includes the kernel "laptop_mode"
   feature, which//
   //# allows your hard drives to spin down, as well as various other
   settings which//
   //# can be tweaked by laptop mode tools. You can enable or disable
   all of these//
   //# settings using the CONTROL_... options further down in this
   config file.//
   //# Enable laptop mode when the laptop's lid is closed, even when
   we're on AC//
   //# power? (ACPI-ONLY)//

Would it be okay to just *remove* /etc/acpi/*/lm_lid.sh?

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