On 12 March 2019 15:10:24 GMT, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
>190312 Philip Webb wrote:
>> Progress, but still a puzzle.  I commented the lines in  /etc/...
>> & when I use the IP, not the URL, the connection goes thro' ;
>> when I use the URL, it still doesn't.  Here's the output :
>  ... skip ... 
>> So why does IP vs URL make a difference ??
>Thanks to Nuno Silva : it seems to use only the URL or IP,
>depending on which you specify in the config file.
>When I copy the  2  lines, but substitute the URL for the IP,
>the command also goes thro' properly.
>This is weird : I would expect Ssh to copy all the info in the file,
>then use whatever applies once it's made contact.
>What it seems to do is look for an exact match from the command line
>& if it doesn't find it, it then ignores the rest.
>There doesn't seem to be an explicit account of this in the man file.
>So the real-life problem has been solved, but the man file needs

Give both the address and URL on the Host line. 
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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