190312 Philip Webb wrote: > Progress, but still a puzzle. I commented the lines in /etc/... > & when I use the IP, not the URL, the connection goes thro' ; > when I use the URL, it still doesn't. Here's the output : ... skip ... > So why does IP vs URL make a difference ??
Thanks to Nuno Silva : it seems to use only the URL or IP, depending on which you specify in the config file. When I copy the 2 lines, but substitute the URL for the IP, the command also goes thro' properly. This is weird : I would expect Ssh to copy all the info in the file, then use whatever applies once it's made contact. What it seems to do is look for an exact match from the command line & if it doesn't find it, it then ignores the rest. There doesn't seem to be an explicit account of this in the man file. So the real-life problem has been solved, but the man file needs correcting. -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca