On 2018-12-20 09:18, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 12/20/18 6:28 AM, (Nuno Silva) wrote:
>>> Well the Gentoo Wiki https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Submitting_ebuilds
>>> suggested that new ebuilds should be submitted via Bugzilla.
>>> Could you please tell me if it is still the recommended way?
>>> If not, IMHO it is better to change Wiki as well to prevent further
>>> misunderstanding.
>> I would like to ask again for a clarification about this. Last month, I
>> asked if there was some rule against using bugzilla, but there were no
>> replies:
> BugZilla is right place. If you open a PR on Github, you'll get an 
> automated message telling you to open an associated bug on BugZilla.
> If Github ever goes away, all of the PR history it contains will be lost 
> forever.
> Since Github is proprietary, forcing people to use it is against our 
> social contract, and many developers completely ignore everything you 
> post there.
> On the other hand, casually reading the contents of a PR is easier on 
> Github than with patches on BugZilla. For best results, do both.

Did anyone ever considered using GitLab?
Its community edition is quiet enough I think.

Being able to comment directly on ebuilds/patches would be a really nice
feature. IMO It makes communication efficiency much higher compared to
compared to Bugzilla.

Also since the GitLab server is hosted by the community, no Micro$oft
get involved...

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