Hi everyone,

Am Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2018, 12:28:17 CET schrieb Nuno Silva:
> On 2018-12-20, YUE Daian wrote:
> > On 2018-12-20 03:50, Nils Freydank <nils.freyd...@posteo.de> wrote:
> > [...]
> >> Additionally bugzilla is seen as too impractical to use for new packages
> >> that many don't get much attention there, only on github.com.
> > 
> > Well the Gentoo Wiki https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Submitting_ebuilds
> > suggested that new ebuilds should be submitted via Bugzilla.
> > 
> > Could you please tell me if it is still the recommended way?
> > If not, IMHO it is better to change Wiki as well to prevent further
> > misunderstanding.

from my perspective it seems as only github.com is used and bugs.gentoo.org
is more or less just kept as an official way for ebuild submission to keep
a backup mechanism on the own infrastructure.

Maybe in a perfect world someone trustworthy could provide a single-sign-on 
service for bugtrackers and a gitlab instance hosted by gentoo or stuff like 
that, but the current state is quite confusing, agreed. If you want to take 
care of your package become a proxied maintainer. If you go a step further 
later and become a gentoo dev you can also drop some workload from the proxied 
maintenance team and do you QA yourself and submit directly to the tree.

> I would like to ask again for a clarification about this. Last month, I
> asked if there was some rule against using bugzilla, but there were no
> replies:
> [...]
No, as far as I know there is now rule, just a not so good usable platform and 
another one that is proprietary but works far better.

A disclaimer in the end: I'm not a Gentoo developer, just another random user
who maintains packages.


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Nils Freydank

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