On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Wol's lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> wrote:
> On 11/06/18 16:30, R0b0t1 wrote:
>> Federal law implies a warranty of fitness for a particular purpose*
>> from the seller, not the manufacturer. You can take it up with them.
>> The statute of limitations is 4 years. Make them deal with AMD.
> Please read the parent post !!!
> The seller no longer exists, so that is not an option.
> Federal law is irrelevant, as the OP is about 4000 miles outside their
> jurisdiction.
> I believe the OP and AMD are the same nationality, and that is nowhere near
> the American continent, let alone the US.

My apologies, sir. Sometimes I forget that the United States is not
the only country.

AMD is an American company based out of California. However rereading
the post I notice he is using Euros, in which case there are likely
even stronger guarantees of fitness for a particular purpose. I
suppose it doesn't help that the seller seems to have gone bankrupt.


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