sorry, that was "root-1" i had tried to search for online.  seems that 
particular hole has likely been patched, but it's maddening that search engines 
will in fact no longer leave your' quoted text unmolested,  there's no was to 
escape the punctuation. (a good madscientist)
God bless the rich, the greedy and the corrupt politicians they have put into 
office.   God bless them for helping me do the right thing by giving the rich 
my little pile of cash.  After all, the rich know what to do with money.

22. Jan 2018 22:17 by

>     fortuanately i got out of it by then, version 7 hates my hardware, i was 
> using 6.x  for a couple years (off line, glad i saved local archives), when 
> it first hit V6, not surprisingly it kept trying to sneak in and was 
> resistant to removal so i quickly looked at sabotaging it.  prevoiusly used 
> open susse and liked the ability to specifically break packages by not 
> installing "required code", i don't need my media player to talk to the world.
> not at all surprised by the source.  like i said rh spent good money to take 
> over centos.  also used scientitic linux which is somewhat fixed.  Then there 
> are the impossible to see/use colors mc wants to use, i started using 
> computers over leased lines on decwriter 2 printing terminals, I can edit in 
> b/w, though i played with mc's colors as well.  that's why i love linux, most 
> problems are easy and have well documented solutions.
> now, if i just knew how to search for "root-", which is impossible with 
> modern search engines, they insist on processing quoted text and turn 
> punctuation into a wild card.  I prefered being the cleaver and intelligent 
> one, i hate when "new" software thinks it knows what i want, there was a time 
> when you could look up part numbers and actually find what you were looking 
> for.  hence, Gentoo and i'll be playing with devuan as well, and doubtless 
> will experiment with "linux from scratch".  i tend to run desktops like 
> servers, i love having a system running without reboot for months except for 
> updates that require a restart.
> in any case, that's why i know how to futz with zeronconfig/avahi.  figured 
> it out, it was obvious once i looked that it was easy to have it installed 
> but configured to crash and go away fairly harmlessly.
> (a good madscientist)
> --
> God bless the rich, the greedy and the corrupt politicians they have put into 
> office.   God bless them for helping me do the right thing by giving the rich 
> my little pile of cash.  After all, the rich know what to do with money.
> 22. Jan 2018 20:25 by >> :
>> On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 09:29:36PM +0100, >> 
>>>>  wrote
>>> it's mostly from the evil centos days (after it was bought out).
>>   CentOS is a free Redhat clone.  Zeroconf (Avahi) is Lennart-ware that
>> you-know-who got into Redhat's OS.
>>>>   It's probably
>> impossible to pull Avahi out of Redhat / CentOS, just like with Systemd
>> and Pulseaudio.
>>> I assume similiar files are involved with gentoo...
>>   It should not be mandatory in Gentoo, per se.  If you have avahi
>> installed, try "emerge -p --depclean avahi" first, before doing it for
>> real.
>> -- 
>> Walter Dnes <>>>> >
>> I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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