that works.  myself, i like to totally misconfigure it and then change access 
to read only even for root, usually takes care of updates starting it.  i've 
also sabotaged one of there scripts so it just always returns a 1, i.e. error, 
also locked down afterwards.  the zero config stuff is tricky sometimes with 
updates and installs.  I also block router solicit and router advertising in 
the firewall.  I've been owned before, can't be too careful (pretty obvious 
when the system monitor won't launch, kinda pathetic when they knock out the 
sysmon for gnome but leave the one for kde working, glad i had both). (a good madscientist)
God bless the rich, the greedy and the corrupt politicians they have put into 
office.   God bless them for helping me do the right thing by giving the rich 
my little pile of cash.  After all, the rich know what to do with money.

22. Jan 2018 11:14 by

> Holle,
> On 18-01-22 at 12:49, Lucas Ramage wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How does one disable zerconf for dhcpcd or at all in Gentoo for that matter?
> Do you mean ipv4ll? Add noipv4ll to /etc/dhcpcd.conf .
> -- 
> Simon Thelen

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