On 01/14 08:54, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2018-01-14 05:49, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> > I tried Palemoon some time ago. I checked its security and privacy
> > feature with certain sites on the internet, which provide such
> > services and found some issues, which I wanted to discuss on their
> > forum. The answer was not to believe such sites and in result security
> > would be a matter of how much I believe in a certain software.
> I am keen to see a link to that discussion.  I searched the forum for
> "meino" and "tuxic" but got no hits for either.  Can you help me?
> -- 
> Please don't Cc: me privately on mailing lists and Usenet,
> if you also post the followup to the list or newsgroup.
> To reply privately _only_ on Usenet, fetch the TXT record for the domain.

Will see, whether it is still there...here it comes:


|  "But as for me, I believe that Pale Moon comes with optimally secure
|  defaults since I have felt little need to change anything in regards
|  to security. If however you do not trust me or Moonchild, the
|  developer of Pale Moon, when we say that Pale Moon is secure enough as
|  is, then you are free to use whichever browser you trust is more
|  secure."

Keywords (more me at least) here were "believe" and "trust"...
Say, I would produce firewall systems professionally and would
"believe", that they are secure and "trust" in my work despite
the fact others has done some tests which render this security
questionable...would I be called a software engineer?
But this is only my point of view and my personal opinion, which
may or mau not be valid for others. No offense intended!
And: I dont want to start a flame war here. Yoy asked and tried
to give a answer, which may be useful onlu to explain my own point
of view.


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