Philip Webb wrote:
> 171016 Dale wrote:
>>> I did a upgrade recently
>> and after that, plasmashell is consuming a huge amount of memory.
>> I noticed it at one point and it was taking about  8 GB .
> FYI I don't see this :
>   root:527 ~> eix plasma-work
>     [I] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace
>     Available versions: (5) 5.10.5-r1^t ~5.11.0^t
>     Installed versions: 5.10.5-r1(5)^t([2017-09-19 22:08:06]) (handbook 
> -appstream -calendar -debug -geolocation -gps -prison -qalculate 
> -semantic-desktop -test)
>   root:528 ~> free
>            total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
>     Mem:    7906        1180        5271         139        1454        6041
>     Swap:   8191           0        8191
>   root:529 ~> uptime
>     21:28:07 up 1 day, 20:43, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.02

We have slightly different USE flags.  Here's mine:

[ebuild   R   ~] kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.11.0:5::gentoo 
USE="calendar handbook -appstream -debug -geolocation -gps -prison
-qalculate -semantic-desktop -systemd {-test}" 0 KiB

I notice systemd is missing in yours, not on or off just not there at
all.  I'm not sure exactly what calendar does but I do use the one in
the little panel thingy.  Not sure if it is the same one or not. 

This doesn't seem to affect everyone but it seems to affect some of us. 
It seems you are lucky and I'm hoping after going to a new .kde4 that
I'll have the same luck.  I've had times before where this helped.  Just
something in a config somewhere that causes problems.  Besides, I run a
somewhat weird setup anyway.  I'm old, that's my excuse and I'm sticking
with it.  LOL 

Interesting info.  Makes one wonder. 


:-)  :-) 

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