Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> I did a upgrade recently and after that, plasmashell is consuming a huge
> amount of memory.  I noticed it at one point and it was taking about
> 8GBs.  I killed it and restarted but it seems to keep happening after a
> few hours.  After I took a nap, I nudged the monitor back to the on
> state only to notice it had eaten so much memory that the system killed
> plasmashell and I had to restart it then.  It also made other programs
> go to swap since it was full as well.  Glad the system dealt with it
> instead of just crashing the whole thing. 
> After I restart it, it goes back to normal, a few hundred megabytes, but
> slowly starts increasing again.  It gets old having to either logout or
> restart the thing. 
> Has anyone else noticed this happening on their systems?  If not, I may
> rename .kde4 and see if that helps.  Maybe a bad or outdated config. 
> Currently on:
> kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.10.5-r1
> Was on:
> kde-plasma/plasma-workspace-5.10.5
> It seems it was a Gentoo upgrade based on the -r1. 
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Just a FYI for anyone else having this issue.  I just upgraded and it is
still doing the same thing.  I'd think if it was a bug in the package
that it would be fixed. 

I think I'm going to try renaming .kde4 and see if a fresh start helps
with this problem. 


:-)  :-) 

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