precisely what happened, sorry i didn't realize that chainging the "subject" 
line causes confusion.  now i know, now i can avoid that mistake.

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21. Aug 2017 09:37 by

>         >>       wrote:
>     >     
>>             refering to the amd64 handbook, at  "downloading the  
>>     stage tarball"  where it says "
>>       >> Downloading          the stage tarball>>       
>> Go to the Gentoo mount point where the root file system is        mounted 
>> (most likely >> /mnt/gentoo>> ):      
>>       >>         >> root #>> cd /mnt/gentoo" 
>>             does that mean to change to where gentoo will be installed,      
>>       or where the cd/dvd is mounted?  i'm using a gentoo live            
>> dvd.  seriously just trying to get a basic install to start            with. 
>>  i ask because it doesn't seem reasonable (to my            ignorant brain) 
>> to download to the ram drive created by the            install dvd, if so 
>> then so, whatever works.  life is a            learning process, those 
>> who've chosen to stop learning have            chosen to stop living in a 
>> meaningful was.  i may trip            sometimes, but i am always, always 
>> trying to learn,            especially when it's "inconvenient".  thanks to 
>> all those            intending to help.  
>>             i have never cross posted, if this email appears anywhere        
>>     other than ">>>>             please check 
>> the headers, it wasn't me, was never that            ignorant nor arrogant.
>>           >>       >>       --      
>>       Securely sent with Tutanota. Claim your encrypted mailbox today!      
>>       >>>>  
>     I think the technical term is thread hijacking.  I'm attaching a    
> screenshot of what you did and what is being talked about.  What you    did 
> was pick a email, hit reply, changed the subject to yours and    then sent it 
> to the list.  At that point, the topic of the thread    changed.  Some of us 
> track mailing lists using threaded messages.     That way we can track back 
> to a older message easily and see exactly    what message is being replied 
> to, even if it is snipped out.  It    also makes it easier to ignore threads 
> that we are not interested    in. 
>     A good reason not to do this, people may not follow the older thread    
> that was hijacked and those people, who may have the answer, will    never 
> see your question.  By starting a new thread, people are much    more likely 
> to see it.  As a example, if I see a systemd thread, I    pass it by since I 
> don't use it and would find it highly unlikely    that I could help them in 
> any way.  People who use systemd tho, they    would see the thread and see if 
> they can help.  However, if you bury    it inside of another thread that is 
> unrelated, they may not see your    question.  
>     Hope that helps.
>     Dale
>     :-)  :-)  

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