On 2017-05-21 17:59, tu...@posteo.de wrote: > cryptsetup seems to be of another flavor than encfs, since its depends > on gpg (see below), which encfs does not use as far as I know. > I think encfs uses symmetric ciphers and cryptsetup uses a pub/private > key pair. But I am by no means a cryptologist (I even cant spell this > correctly...or...? ;)
The binary may link to gpg, and the package may depend on it (I haven't checked), but the way I use it is definitely symmetric cryptography. I know enough to be sure of that. -- Please *no* private Cc: on mailing lists and newsgroups Personal signed mail: please _encrypt_ and sign Don't clear-text sign: http://primate.net/~itz/blog/the-problem-with-gpg-signatures.html