On 05/18/2017 10:49 AM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> While working on the new-old site I'm using my local mini-server, but I 
> can't find out why it's not obeying server-include commands. In the source I 
> have e.g.
>       <!--#include VIRTUAL="/include/hmenu.incl" -->
> ...
> <Directory "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/choir-old">
>         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
>         AllowOverride All
>         Require all granted
> </Directory>

You've got "Includes" in the Options list, so you're halfway there. The
missing piece is to add e.g.

  AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

as found (commented-out) in our 00_mod_mime.conf. If you want
server-side includes for other extensions, add change "shtml" to suit.

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