Floyd Anderson <f...@31c0.net> wrote:

> On Do, 27 Apr 16:56:00 -0500
> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >One thing about alt sysreq, once you get to a certain point, you
> >have >to go "all the way" with it. I've found that just the R and E
> >generally >gets things back to a point it is accessible and I don't
> >have to go >through it all. I think once you get to the I or S, it's
> >all or nothing at that point. Even after the E, you may have to
> >start/restart some init processes. FYI, I'm pretty sure the S is
> >what syncs the file systems and the U unmounts everything.  Of
> >course, the B reboots.  I can't recall what the others do exactly.  
> With access to the kernel sources, you doesn’t have to remember what
> the others do, see
> ‘/usr/src/linux/Documentation/admin-guide/sysrq.rst’.

This file doesn't exist on my system (not even the directory 

I can find it under:


But in my case I even had no access to any file, because no command 
was working anymore. So I think it is better to have these information
on a good old sheet of paper. ;-)


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