On Sun, 19 Feb 2017 14:21:58 +0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote:

> > KDE3 had its own IPC protocol, DCOP, that was used as the basis for
> > DBus. Once there was a standard IPC system, there was no need for KDE
> > to maintain its own. GNOME and KDE are integrated suites of software,
> > some form of IPC is necessary for them to function. To ditch DBus,
> > they would have to reinvent the wheel.  
> Yeah, right!

What's that supposed to mean. This is documented fact, plus, if you had
ever used DCOP, you would immediately spot the similarities in DBus.
> But I can't go into detailed discussions full time about dbus opaque or

DBus is a protocol specification, where is the opaqueness.

> not. (I really don't expect anybody can deny spender's claims in that
> link on Linux security)...

Allowing programs to communicate with one another will always raise
possibilities for exploitation, but that is not necessarily a reason to
isolate all software from one another. After all, isn't having each
program do one job well and communicate with others part of the "True
Unix Way"?

Neil Bothwick

Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

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