On Saturday 11 Feb 2017 10:21:36 I wrote:
> On Friday 10 Feb 2017 10:15:10 Mick wrote:
> > Peter, some years ago I also reverted from testing to stable arch,
> > because I was spending more time fixing breakages than actually using
> > the OS. From what I recall it took more than a month for things to
> > settle.
> I did it the easy way, by building a new system from scratch, so there
> shouldn't be any settling down in this case.
> > Something which will help is if you clear out as much of your USE flags
> > in make.conf and package.use as you can, before you run emerge -e.
> You may have it there. Goodness knows how long they'd been there, being
> copied from one system to another, but I had pch, vaapi and vdpau in USE.
> I don't know how much difference pch makes in practice, but I'm running
> emerge -e world without those three. I'll let you know.

Nope. I had to create a new user for myself - again. Now it works as it 

Supplementary question to the list: pch says in use.desc that it gives 
faster compilation at the expense of disk space and memory. Does that mean 
just during compilation, or does it refer to the resulting object code? 
Compilation space is no problem, but I'd rather the binaries didn't occupy 
too much space.


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